#1 Dalmatian in Obedience
“Beep” Dalmatian
Batik A Hint Of Blarney CDX RA ATD JT
#1 Dalmatian in Obedience
“Beep” Dalmatian
Batik A Hint Of Blarney CDX RA ATD JT
Sue Alexander will be presenting a talk on Self Control, what it is and what it is not when it comes to dogs and their behaviour.
Monday, Jan. 29 at 7:30 pm
Sue has done zoom meetings with us before and we are pleased to have her back again. To get the link and further information please check out this flyer.
NYOC’s winter classes are up and running.
The spring session dates and classes will be posted in mid-February so please check back if you are interested.
In the meantime, check out our other post on our Education Night topics.
Registration for NYOC’s winter training session opens on December 8th, 2023 for NYOC members. Non-members may register as of December 14th, 2023.
We do not accept pre-registrations by members or non-members.
For class descriptions, see classes.
This session will run for 8 weeks; the cost is $265.
Tuesdays, Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30, Feb 6, 13, 20, 27
Thursdays, Jan. 11, 18, 25, Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Before registering, please check out our Training Philosophy, FAQs, and our Policies and Procedures.
If you still have questions, please email our Training Secretary at training@nyoc.ca.
There is no magic wand in dog training. We hope that our training classes will be fun for your dog. The classes will be work for you, though! Enjoyable work, hopefully! You will need to work with your dog 2-3 times a day for 5-10 minutes preferably in a variety of locations e.g., at home, outside, away from home, in order for you and your dog to gain as much as possible from the classes.
Planning to get a puppy between now and January? Every puppy deserves a puppy class!
If you expect to have a puppy (8-24 weeks old by mid January) and you might like to train at NYOC starting in January,
please let us know (training@nyoc.ca) ASAP.
Come and Compete! Come and Watch! Come and Christmas Shop!
These new NYOC trials are really close to Toronto so take advantage of the opportunity!
In addition, these trials are part of an even larger Christmas Pet Exposition at the International Centre, 6000 Airport Road, Mississauga, ON L4V 1E8.
All of the information you need to enter the trial is right here in the Premium List Nov., 2024. Our favourite Show Secretary, Danuta Booth, will be there to greet you.
To whet your appetite, here is a bit more information:
All of our Obedience and Rally trials will be held in Hall 5 at the International Centre on November 23rd and 24th, 2024.
Registration for our 6 week mini training session opens on Fri., Oct. 13 for NYOC members.
Non-members may register as of Mon., Oct. 16
We do not accept pre-registrations by members or non-members.
This session will run for 6 weeks; the cost is $200.
Tuesdays, Nov. 7 – Dec. 12 (6 weeks)
Thursdays, Nov. 9 – Dec. 14 (6 weeks)
For class descriptions, see classes.
The presenter has had to change the date for this presentation.
It is now going to Monday, Oct. 30 not Oct. 23
Behavioural Euthanasia (BE) is not an easy topic to talk about but it is one that many dog people have to think about at some point.
In this one-hour webinar, Sue Alexander, CPDT-KSA, CBCC-KA, CDBC and founder of Losing Lulu will discuss what Behavioural Euthanasia is, what factors go into the decision to make a BE, and what the impact is on families, trainers, behaviour consultants and the veterinary community.
See our flyer for the on-line information necessary to attend this on-line session.
North York Obedience Club’s 8 week Fall classes will start on Tues. Sept. 12, 2023 and Thurs. Sept. 14, 2023. We are particularly excited that after a break we are re-starting our very popular and effective puppy classes. See our all our classes here.
As of August 21st, Advanced Rally and Foundation Skills for Competitive Obedience are full. There are a very few spots left in other classes.
Our Training Secretary will be happy to help you with any questions you may have at training@nyoc.ca.
Planning is underway for NYOC’s 2023 Obedience and Rally Trials.
June 17 – 18, 2023
New Venue: Bewdley Community Centre, Bewdley ON.
June 17: Three Obedience Trials and Two Rally Trials
June 18: Two Obedience Trials, Two Rally Trials and One Canine Good Neighbour Test.
For more information, see our flyer and our Trials page.