It is not necessary for you to be a club member in order to take our classes.
See below for class descriptions and times. Before registering, please check out our Training Philosophy, FAQs, and our Policies and Procedures.
If you expect to have a puppy, 8–24 weeks old by late March, and would like to join our puppy class, please let us know ( ASAP. We’d like to save you a spot.
Registration for all classes opens for NYOC members on March 3rd and for non-members March 7th, 2025.
Classes start March 20 (Thursday classes) and March 25 and 26 (Tuesday and Wednesday classes)
There is no magic wand in dog training. We hope that our training classes will be fun for you and your dog. The classes will be work for you, though! Enjoyable work, hopefully! You will need to practice with your dog 2-3 times a day for 5-10 minutes preferably in a variety of locations e.g., at home, outside, away from home, in order for you and your dog to gain as much as possible from the classes.
Puppy Kindergarten (8 to 24 weeks old) Thursdays @7:00-7:45
Ideal for puppies up to 6 months of age, this class will get you and your puppy off to a good start while learning basic obedience cues such as sit, down and stay/wait coming when called; introduction of a variety … Read More…
First Steps in Dog Training Thursdays @8:30-9:15pm
This class is suitable for dogs over the age of 6 months. It involves teaching you to train your dog in basic obedience and good manners. The classes are designed for both family pets and for dogs who will eventually … Read More…
Next Steps in Dog Training Thursdays @7:45-8:30 pm
Continue building on skills learned in Puppy class and Basic Obedience 101 through the use of fun, motivational exercises and games. This class is ideal for handlers who are interested in taking part in activities such as dog sports and … Read More…
Rally Novice Tuesdays @6:45 – 7:30pm
Our Rally Obedience Beginner class is an exciting and fun way to try out a dog sport. You and your dog will learn to work more effectively as a team while refining and enhancing skills learned in previous classes. You … Read More…
Rally Intermediate / Advanced Tuesdays @7:40-8:30pm
This class teaches you and your dog to negotiate the more challenging courses at the Intermediate/Advanced level and helps prepare you for off leash work. All CKC Intermediate and Advanced level exercises will be covered. While building the attention and … Read More…
Rally Excellent/Masters Tuesdays @8:30–9:15 pm
Continuing to fine tune foundational rally skills and the team’s working relationship, the Excellent/Masters class will address the CKC signs for these levels. It will also help you build your capacity to successfully handle the longer and more demanding courses … Read More…
Foundations for Dog Sports Wednesdays @7:15-8:00
Prep your adolescent/young adult Dog to give competition/dog sports a try by refining their basic training and your ability to work with them. Introduction to elements of Competitive Obedience such as: Having fun working together Developing Dog’s Attention to Handler … Read More…
Competitive Obedience Pre-Novice Wednesdays @8:00-8:45
Development of the elements necessary to ready you and your dog for CKC Pre Novice competition On Leash Heeling (forward, fast and slow pacing, turns, halts) Introduction to Handler footwork/leash work/body language cues Figure 8 Heeling – 12’ Sit for … Read More…
Competitive Obedience Novice Plus Wednesdays @8:45-9:30
Refinement of formal elements in “Novice” exercises while developing the connection between you and your Dog. On and Off Leash Heeling Refining Handler footwork/leash work/body language cues Figure 8 Heeling – 8’ Stand for Exam Recall Stay Developing Dog/Handler Connection … Read More…