NYOC stands for North York Obedience Club. NYOC is a not-for-profit dog club serving the Greater Toronto Area since 1961. Some of us have purebred dogs, some have mixed breeds and some have both. Some of us even have cats!
It doesn’t matter what you want to learn or do, we can help you and your dog enjoy life even more. Membership in NYOC means more opportunities for new dog owners and for confirmed dog lovers to work and play with people who have an incredible range of skills and experiences.
We welcome new members. Here’s how you can join us!
As a Club member, you can:
- Meet lots of people who love dogs and are happy to share their knowledge and enthusiasm
- Learn more about training dogs by helping out in classes
- Join our Demonstration Team and provide joy and entertainment to seniors, the disabled and children
- Learn about obedience and rally by volunteering at competitive dog trials
- Promote dog sports by volunteering at our trial and in our training classes.
- Receive advance notice about education speakers, special seminars and fun matches.
- Receive a discount on classes provided that you have been in the Club for one year and have volunteered your time
- Attend members only programs e.g., fun/correction matches for rally and obedience; training seminars by well-known trainers; special programs focussing on dog sports not included in our regular programming.
We have members who compete and earn titles every year. A few of our members have earned the highest titles offered in many different dog sports! Their names are proudly listed in our Hall of Honour. We have members who have never competed and don’t intend to! What we share in common is our love of dogs and our interest in promoting positive relationships between dogs and people.
Most of our events are open to the public but a few are for members only or are offered first to members.
Club Constitution