NYOC’s Canine Demonstration Team consists of a group of dedicated members and their dogs who perform at public locations such as hospitals, retirement homes and children’s groups. The team is always open to new venues and new members! Please review the steps and requirements below for new members.
Process for Joining the Team
- Discuss joining the team with the chairperson for the team (email nyoc.demoteam@gmail.com or call 416-222-4109 and leave a message.)
- Observe a drill team practice or a performance
- Participate in several practices
- Bring your dog to a performance to observe
- Become a member of NYOC
- Gradually introduce your dog to performing
Benefits of Belonging
- Community involvement
- Enjoy special time with your dog
- Develop your dog’s obedience skills
- Share your dog with others
- Give seniors a chance to remember their own pets
- Help children learn to meet and greet dogs
- Show skills and tricks that dogs do
Expectations for People
- Enjoy chatting with seniors
- Enjoy working with your dog
- Attend practices after the regular NYOC training classes Tuesday evenings, September to May
- Attend evening performances approximately once a month, September to June
- Become a member of NYOC
Expectations for Dogs
- Friendly, enjoy meeting people, absolutely no aggression
- Can do basic obedience work: sit, stay, heel on leash, stand, come
- Not necessarily ‘perfect’ at obedience work
- Willingness to work at improving obedience work