Pricing:  8 week session – $275   Classes Start:  March 20, 25 and 26 2025

Tuesdays: Rally Novice, Rally Intermediate-Advanced, Rally Excellent-Masters

Wednesdays: Foundations for Dog Sports, Competitive Obedience Pre-Novice, Competitive Obedience Novice Plus

Thursdays: Puppy Kindergarten, First Steps in Dog Training, Next Steps in Dog Training

To register and pay by Interac e-Transfer:

  1. Download and fill out NYOC Training Registration Form Non-Members. (Be sure to download the form before you fill it out.)
  2. Save, including your dog’s name to the file name, and email it to
  3. For Interac eTransfer  use as the email address for your payment. In the note field of your transaction, add ‘Training Class – Non-Member’s. Don’t forget to confirm your payment!  Please email the answer to your security question to

To register and pay online using your MC, Visa, or PayPal account:

  1. Download and fill out NYOC Training Registration Form Non-Members. (Be sure to download the form before you fill it out)
  2. Save, including your dog’s name to the file name, and email it to
  3. Go to PayPal and enter your amount. You can pay using your Mastercard, Visa or via your PayPal account.


We prefer payment by Interac e-Tranfer or PayPal (MC, Visa, or PayPal account). To pay by cheque, please contact the Training Secretary to make arrangements.

Re-Register the Easy Way (i.e. the second time you register for classes each training year).

If you have already registered  for classes in this training year (Sept-April), you can re-register requesting your desired class by sending an email to